Tuesday, December 15, 2009

... Low Blood Pressure What Does It Mean To Have Low Blood Pressure One Day, And Then High Blood Pressure The Next?

What does it mean to have low blood pressure one day, and then high blood pressure the next? - ... low blood pressure

My grandmother did have low blood pressure yesterday and was very pale. We called the ambulance and everything they find is that I suffer from hypertension. This morning his blood pressure was fine, but now his blood pressure is too high. Last night, she took the drug, however.

What does this mean?


Brad said...

I do not know which medications are taken, although I think it was for the treatment of hypertension. It is perhaps too strong for them. If that happens we need to change your doctor for dosage see. You could even switch the brand, if they deem most appropriate.

I also know from experience that my blood pressure drops significantly when I do not have anything (or enough food) or drink for a while.

cheruvim... said...

It seems like they adjusted their medication needs. I call to your doctor first thing in the morning and say what happened. Your doctor may change your dose or use in another recipe before she has her next appointment. This is not a good thing, and it is necessary to your doctor first to make that morning. Good question.

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